Thursday, September 21, 2006

Crazy idea on extreme developer

Sometimes I am thinking how extreme the developer can be. Here is some case I can think out.

Developer should never write code alone.
Developer Should write code with customer.
Developer write code using 'extreme' laugauge (maybe DSL). When customer 'I want XXX'. Developer can immediately translate it to the working software in minutes and shown it to customer.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

SpringFramework 2.0 RC4 out

Ruby website has a new look

with the release of 1.8.5. The officail ruby website has a new look at

Friday, September 15, 2006

Create Jira Issue Using Email

Today I was asked whether Jira can create the issue using email. here is the answer:
this is realy cool feature of Jira. What you need to do is also qutie simple
1. configure the pop information
2. specify handler parameters